Twitter Gone Wild – #DCTH


If you’re a Twitter user, and involved in design of any stripe, then mark your calendars for 2 hours every Thursday night from 6:00pm – 8:00pm EST.

The brainchild of Chad Engle (@chadengle), DCTH is a chance to bounce ideas off each other, ask questions, and generally use the Twitter design community as a sounding board. Use the hashtag #DCTH on Twitter search to see it in action.

Tonight’s session was wild, thanks to TweetChat, and the conversations were flying. I missed the first half hour or so, but captured the rest as a pdf for those of you who would like to close that browser window, and read all 54 pages of it later: Download tweetchat-012209.pdf

A BIG thanks to Chad and all of those on #DCTH tonight. See you on Twitter, and at #DCTH next week!
