#DCTH Chat Session for 02/19/09
What a terrible #DCTH chat session! (Not!!!!) A wide-raging discussion this week, we even got a little video editing discussion going for a short while. For those who missed it, or for those who couldn’t keep up with the chat and links, here’s the PDF: dcth-021909.pdf As always, don’t forget to Sign up for the…
#DCTH Chat Session for 02/12/09
Another great week for #DCTH! I may just have to add an entire #DCTH section to this site soon. :-) I think @hidgehog summed this week up best with this tweet: @hidgehog Summary: Design Thieves, 11 year old designer, poorly designed menus, font obsessions, www.maxkerning.com, OCD Here’s the PDF: dcth-021209.pdf As always, don’t forget to…
#DCTH Chat Session for 02/05/09
#DCTH get’s bigger and bigger each week! I’ll be catching up on all of the new Twitter follows shortly. Thanks to all for the chat, and links, and ideas. Here’s the PDF of the Tweetchat session from tonight (February 5, 2009) (5 February, 2009 for Rob & Cam and the other non-US #DCTHers): dcth-020509.pdf As…
#DCTH Chat Session for 1/29/09
Another GREAT #DCTH on Twitter this evening. Thanks to all who joined in for the information/fun/etc. Here’s the PDF (Now with Links!) for you to catch up on if you missed anything: dcth-012909.pdf Don’t forget to catch #DCTH every Thursday evening from 6:00pm – 8:00pm EST (GMT -05:00) And join the DCTH Facebook page too.
Twitter Gone Wild – #DCTH
If you’re a Twitter user, and involved in design of any stripe, then mark your calendars for 2 hours every Thursday night from 6:00pm – 8:00pm EST. The brainchild of Chad Engle (@chadengle), DCTH is a chance to bounce ideas off each other, ask questions, and generally use the Twitter design community as a sounding…
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