A Pragmatic Social Media Strategy

Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Google+, and Pinterest, and Goodreads, and… Back in ancient times; before the era of Social Media Ninja Gurus, 1994 to be exact, James Collins and Jerry Porras published the landmark Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies [Affiliate Link]. While it achieved landmark status (whatever…
via vimeo.com A new video I shot & edited yesterday, inspired by Rob Michael’s amazing version of The Rain Song
Slanderer’s List

I just sent out a tweet that got me thinking: Wondering when the downside to lists will come: Suppose I created a list called “Zipperheads” or “Dumb People”… might cause a stir Twitter just released the List function to all (or most) users, and people are busy playing with the feature, constructing new lists from…
#DCTH Chat Session for 1/29/09
Another GREAT #DCTH on Twitter this evening. Thanks to all who joined in for the information/fun/etc. Here’s the PDF (Now with Links!) for you to catch up on if you missed anything: dcth-012909.pdf Don’t forget to catch #DCTH every Thursday evening from 6:00pm – 8:00pm EST (GMT -05:00) And join the DCTH Facebook page too.
Twitter Gone Wild – #DCTH
If you’re a Twitter user, and involved in design of any stripe, then mark your calendars for 2 hours every Thursday night from 6:00pm – 8:00pm EST. The brainchild of Chad Engle (@chadengle), DCTH is a chance to bounce ideas off each other, ask questions, and generally use the Twitter design community as a sounding…
5 Tips to Avoid Social Media Overload
With myriad social media choices out there it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with the choices. Until recently I was a pretty passive user of social media (SM) sites; a visit to Reddit here, a LinkedIn visit there, but nothing too over-the-top. For small businesses, it’s easy to hide your head in the sand, and avoid…
Social Media Podcast from the Chronicle
Thanks to @jocelynharmon at Marketing for Nonprofits for pointing this out: Allison Fine has a new podcast at The Chronicle of Philanthropy called Social Good, which looks at how not-for-profit organizations can use social media (think Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, etc.) in their marketing and fundraising efforts. Here’s the first episode: To all of my not-for-profit…
Wow this networking stuff is cool.
It’s been one of those days; you know the kind: one of those days where the both the love and hate sides of the love/hate relationship with technology reared their ugly heads. What started out as an “I-hate-all-things-tech” day (major outage at my web host, well my web host, and the host of most of…
Obama's VP SMS – Epic Fail, Ultimate roxorz!!!1
This is not a political post. No Really, it’s about permission marketing, new media, and the last stand of the old media guard. By now you’ve most likely heard that Sen. Barack Obama has selected Sen. Joe Biden as his Vice Presidential running mate; but how did you hear about it? If you’re a bit…
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