New York City-based Divorce Mediator Susan Ingram, Esq. asked me to update the look and feel of her website in late 2015. Having worked with Ms. Ingram maintaining her WordPress website for the past three years I had a good idea of her business as well as her likes and needs.

Her original website, built by one of the (now) largest WordPress agencies on the East Coast was functional, but was showing it’s age, not including standard WordPress features introduced since its development. Ms. Ingram wanted an update that would not be too far from her original design, but would update it, “freshen it up a bit.” A big part of the redesign was making the new site responsive for mobile devices, something that wasn’t even on the radar when the original site was developed.
Ms. Ingram, a consistent blogger was eager to learn and adopt some of the newer features introduced into WordPress over the past few years, and I worked with her in redesigning the taxonomies used on the site to better deliver her valuable content. Better integration with her social media profiles was also on the wish-list for her redesign.
In addition to the redesign, current best practices for Search Engine Optimization (SEO), were introduced for what is a very competitive market in New York City.